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My Story

Born and raised in San Francisco California, I grew up a city kid with a family that taught me the importance of exploring new cultures and a deep love for the outdoors. To balance urban life, we had mandatory hiking days every Sunday throughout the Bay Area.


Growing up I heard countless stories from my parents about their travel adventures; riding vespas into the Pyrenees visiting Buddhist temples in Japan. It is clear how much those stories inspired my curiosity of the world and formed the direction of my life. 

I started traveling when in collage, privileged in attending a study abroad programs in the Netherlands and Thailand. Now a large handful of years later I have worked and traveled in 40+ countries. My camera has been the one companion that remained the same throughout. 


My love of photography started with my medium format Mamiya 645. It taught me invaluable lessons on light. My official studies of photography concluded with minor in Photography in University California Santa Cruz. 

From travel magazines, small business websites, portraiture for executive MBA students, I have the privilege of being able to control what I want to shoot. 

I'm excited to have found a way to share some of my work with you as you won't find my pictures on Instagram or Facebook.

Thank you for visiting the site. 

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